A work in progress....

Alright guys I think it's about time I finally posted some images of the latest painting I've been working on for some time now... It however is not an original of mine, rather a painting of one of Clayton Crain's  Ghost Rider Original art pieces... Mr Crain does most of his work in Photoshop including this one but I was inspired when I saw it to do it in a flemish oil painting style (which I will go in to more technical detail later)..... He's an amazing artist and does a lot of work for Marvel, the Ghost Rider series being one of them... To check out his awesome work first hand, here's a link to his website claytoncrain.com .

The reason why i decided to endeavor doing a piece that would require such a huge amount of time and effort while not in the end ever being able to reap any monetary or creative recognition for, was simply because I took it as a learning experience ( and I certainly gained loads in that area) and cos my boyfriend is a huge fan of his work and art too (he's the one who introduced me to Mr. Crain's art) I would give it to him as a present,... 

21" x 16"

Now I've been working on this piece off an on between other part time jobs and paintings and its been a long 3 years now since I started it back in 2007.... Yep!... Now hopefully I'm nearing it's completion plus my boyfriend has lately been dropping by my place, unawares, before I've had a chance to hide it, so he's basically seen the progress so far, at least as of a week or two ago. Thus I've decided, posting it's progress now could hardly spoil the surprise...

As this was but a copy of someone else's hard thought out composition and creation, I was able to concentrate fully on just the technical side of the painting... 
The amazing luminous quality one can get from doing paintings in photoshop is not only because of the monitors backlighting which doesn't really come in to play anyway once printed out, but the multiple semi transparent layering that reverberates throughout the painting.. I thought it would give me the perfect opportunity to really sink my teeth in to the flemish glaze technique that I've seen create such amazing realistic results by other artists...

Beginning the dead layer

I tried this technique just once before (you can check it out here Zen Stone in my Random Old Works blog) and knew I needed to practice on something more complicated that would fully focus on the simple decisions made during the painting process (how much medium.. (as there are so many layers the amount of linseed and other medium has to be carefully controlled), the order of succession in colours to be painted.. etc...)  The combination of concentrating fully on practicing my skill and the extra drive to do the best I could as it was a pressi for my boyfriend helped me hopefully push my skill (the technical side at least) to the next level....

This is a really long post ay... Well I'm just going to post the pics for now and will update later with a WIP post (with more pics) giving a play by play of my working process.

Will not discuss the progress I've done since these pics just in case the bf decides to drop by the blog.. :P....

Thanks for visiting!..:)

p.s. Check out the final completed painting here!


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